A Tale of Two Schools was made in 2022 by myself and three classmates. We filmed on P2 cameras and edited in Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects. This documentary follows the experience of two high school students, post COVID 19, to highlight and explore the differences experienced by students in privileged vs underprivileged schools during the pandemic.

Rhodes University Holds First Ever Pride Week is a news video made entirely by myself in 2023, covering Rhodes University's first pride week. The video was filmed on a DSLR camera and edited in Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects.

Xolobeni: Singumhlaba Sidl'umhlaba is a documentary made by a class I assisted with teaching in 2024. The documentary was filmed on P2 cameras and edited in Adobe Premiere Pro. I was tasked with teaching a class of 23 students how to film and edit. I accompanied and guided the students to Xolobeni and supervised the filming of this documentary.